CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS was written March 14, 2020 after receiving an executive order from the Michigan state governor that groups over 250 must not gather due to the Covid-19 Virus. This paused our Sunday service gatherings immediately. A couple weeks later another order came that would keep people at home for social distancing purposes for 3 weeks through April 14. Easter 2020 was April 12. As a church this changed everything we knew about gathering to worship. We began strategizing and increasing our online content and care for our people right away. This song shares the truth that even though we may not be able to meet, we are the church without walls.
I want to thank:
Jack Connors at PERFECT WORLD STUDIOS in Traverse City, MI for opening his beautiful studio to us so quickly and capturing this moment.
AJ Garcia for filming and editing our time in the studio and making such a sweet VIDEO OF THE SESSION you can see here.
My friends for joining me on such short notice to sing backing vocals: Adam Dennis, Sarah Hyatt, Miranda Schroder & Julie Six.